Thursday, March 26, 2015

CVE-2011-2461 is back - FAQ

After our presentation at Troopers 2015, we have received numerous replies in the form of comments on SlashdotReddit or emails. In this post, we want to provide more details and clarify some points.

Q: What's the exploit vector here?
A: We've now released all details of an actual attack flow. Please refer to the "Exploiting CVE-2011-2461 on" blog post to understand the nature of the attack. This should give sufficient technical details on how this vulnerability can be exploited.

Q: Patching all vulnerable SWF files isn't a realistic solution, is it?
A: Unless Adobe introduces an additional check in the player, we don't have many options.

Q: Why doesn't Adobe patch the Flash player?
A: The bug affects Adobe (now Apache) Flex SDK. As a result, it was properly corrected in the compiler. Having said that, Adobe could probably implement a check in the Flash player itself in order to mitigate this issue. Considering that vulnerable SWF files need to be recompiled or patched, it would be beneficial to have a solution that can be easily deployed by Internet users.

Q: I'd love to patch my hazardous SWF files, but the link on Adobe website goes to an error 404. Where can I find this file?
A: Fail. We notified Adobe last week and they have now restored the tool page. Last time we checked, the official patch tool was available for download. Alternatively, it is possible to recompile the entire SWF with a new version of the Flex SDK.

Q: Can you publish more details around the number of vulnerable sites/files?
A: Considering that we've enumerated all SWF files using search engine results only, our numbers may not be accurate and are certainly influenced by numerous factors. As mentioned, 3 out of the Top 10 Alexa sites were hosting at least one vulnerable SWF file. We're interested in collecting metrics around this bug, so please let us know if you have performed extensive scans using ParrotNG.

Q: Where can I find a vulnerable SWF file to test my detection tool?
A: We've created a vulnerable HelloWorld Flex app compiled with an old version of the Flex SDK. You can download the SWF test cases archive, which includes a vulnerable and a non-vulnerable version of the same file.

Brought to you by Mauro Gentile (@sneak_) & Luca Carettoni (@_ikki)

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